Your Spanish will not get you far in this corner of South America.
There are so many differences between the Iberian languages, that a
small Brazilian
Portuguese phrasebook will be your best investment. Even the days of the week have
nothing in common.
A commonwealth of Portuguese-speaking countries was formed on July
17th, 1996, to preserve the Portuguese language, coordinate diplomatic efforts, and
improve cooperation among its members: Angola,
Brazil, Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau, Mozambique, Portugal,
and Sao Tome and Principe.
Getting Understood
Brazilian Portuguese:
Learn about the language.
Brazil by Bus
Being such a large country, travelling around Brazil takes time.
The bus stations are called Rodoviarias, and you'll find buses going
to just about everywhere around the clock.
Some of the long distance sleepers are quite luxurious (leitos), but
you'll pay more to travel in less cramped conditions on seats that stretch out to perform
like beds.
Most seats on the busses need to be reserved, so don't count on
turning up and moving on like you might in Colombia or Venezuela.
Brazil by Boat
Travel by boat down the Amazon is easy from Manaus. Just turn up
at the quay for schedules of the boats.
Three to five days sleeping in hammocks on the deck is fun, but the
rice and fish can get monotonous, so bring a bag of goodies to cheer you up.
Some of the boats have bars, and quite a party can be had if you meet
up with a good crowd.
Brazil by Air
If time is limited and your budget extends to it, you may consider
covering the large distances by air.
Airlines and Airports:
Many international airlines fly to Brazil.
Brazilian Airpass
Brazilian Air Pass is an economical way to travel within the country.
South America Airpass
The Mercosur Airpass was an economical way to travel between Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay.
South America Air Pass or a LAN South America
Airpass are now better alternatives.
GOL Airpasses are
promotional programs that allow passengers to travel to several cities on economy class of
GOL flights at a discounted or steady rate within a fixed period (such as one month).
Brazilian Airlines

Linhas Aereas:
As the name suggests, this airline operates primarily in the Sao Paolo and the Pantanal
region; with flights to Bahia and the North East.
Serving destinations within Brazil from Ribeirao Preto, Sao Paulo.
Brazilian Airlines:
Sao Paulo is the hub city. TAM fly throughout Brazil, to neighbouring Paraguay and Miami.
Brazil Tourist
Provided by the Brazilian Ministry of Tourism.
The official tourist site for tourism in the state of Bahia.
Embassy of Brazil in London:
32 Green Street, London.
Brazil Regions:
The regions of Brazil are varied and there's plenty to see in South America's largest
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