If you're determined to explore Asia but unsure which country to
visit, you might want to set your sights on Far East Asia and travel to Japan.
Here is some general but useful information that is good to know when
you travel Japan. It will help you get a better understanding of Japan before your trip
and allow you to experience Japan more comfortably.
Japan consists of four main islands and several smaller ones.
Together the islands take the shape of a sea horse and occupy an area
of 377,435 square kms.
Tokyo, the capital city, is very modern and bustling with activity, so
when you travel to Japan, be ready for a few crowds.
The landscape of Japan, away from the big cities, is mountainous with
spectacular scenery; some of the mountains are volcanic. Mt. Fuji is the tallest mountain
in Japan, and is known for its symmetrical slopes.
When you travel to Japan, it's important to know the country's
seasons and when they occur during the year.
The islands of Japan lie in the temperate and at the north-eastern end
of the monsoon area.
The climate is generally mild, although it varies considerably from
place to place when you travel around Japan.
Summer, which is warm and mild, begins around the middle of July
following a rainy season that usually lasts for a month.
Except in northern Japan the winter is mild with many sunny days.
Spring and autumn are the best seasons of the year with balmy days and
bright sunshine.
Before you depart for Japan, it's a good idea to get a sense of
the people and their culture.
Japan is one of the most densely populated nations in the world, with
some 330 persons per square kilometre (almost 860 persons per sq. mi.).
The Japanese are a Mongoloid people, closely related to the major
groups of East Asia. However, some evidence also exists of a mixture with Malayan and
Caucasoid strains.
About 750,000 Koreans and much smaller groups of Chinese and
Caucasians reside in Japan.
When you travel in Japan, you will be exposed to a new world of
religious and personal beliefs.
Buddhism is important in Japan's religious life and has strongly
influenced fine arts, social institutions, and philosophy.
Most Japanese consider themselves members of one of the major Buddhist
Shintoism is an indigenous religion founded on myths, legends, and
ritual practices of the early Japanese. Neither Buddhism nor Shintoism is an exclusive
Most Japanese observe both Buddhist and Shinto rituals: the former for
funerals and the latter for births, marriages, and other occasions.
Confucianism, primarily an ethical system, profoundly influences
Japanese thought as well.
About 1.3 million people in Japan are Christians, of whom 60% are
Protestant and 40% Roman Catholic.
By Frank Johnson.
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