With so many twits twittering away on Twitter, it can sometimes be
hard to find the sweet tweets from travel tweeps to follow.
That's where the TravelTweet service comes in - by navigating through
Twitter for awesome travel tweets and putting the Travel Tweet Directory
About This.
Travel Brands on Twitter
Travel related resources with a presence on Twitter.
Travel Holiday Companies.
Charity Travel
Family Holiday Association:
The only national charity dedicated to providing seaside breaks and day
trips for families struggling with some of life's toughest challenges.
Online Travel Booking Sites
Travel tips, deals and inspiration from Expedia's Viewfinder blog.
On a mission to make travel even more rewarding, from planning and
booking to taking your next trip. Just like that.
Leading provider of consumer-direct travel services for the leisure and business traveler.
Unlock your personal travel feed to discover great advice and ideas from
your friends and travel experts.
Trip Planning
Earn miles without flying. I earn millions of points and miles each
year, mostly without flying.
Travel Media:
A leading publisher of top travel deals and vacation destination advice.
The Points
Expert points, miles, aviation and travel intel. You're about to be the
smartest traveler you know.
Plan your trip using our travel tools. Find the closest airport or the
driving distance for a road trip, and figure out whether it's better to
fly or drive.
Rail Europe:
One-stop shop for European train tickets, rail passes, and sightseeing
Travel Tips
USA Today - 10
USA Today Travel Media Group develops products and solutions for various
travel partners and an on-the-go audience.
Travel Trade
Strives to make members and their destinations successful.
Industry Council:
The Events Industry Council is a federation of more than 30
organisations in the events industry.

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Travel Tweet Directory.
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