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Travel tweeps in Minnesota tweeting on Twitter.
Beth Blair:
(Twin Cities)
Mother of three, author, inflight safety manager (think flight attendant
and cabin safety).
City of
Official news and information from the City of Minneapolis.
City of Saint Paul:
The most livable city in America.
True North is more than a direction, it's a feeling. And we’re here to
help you find it. Find your True North: #OnlyinMN.
Convention and Visitors Association Minneapolis. #CityByNature.
Celebrating all that the state has to offer. We are about pride and
passion for the place we call home; the Spirit of Minnesota.
State Parks:
Minnesota has seventy five beautiful state parks and recreation areas.
Sharing nature notes, event updates, and outdoor news.
Minnesota Visitor:
Minnesota travel and vacation planning with a lifelong Minnesota
resident as your guide.
Minnesota Zoo:
The official Twitter account for the Minnesota Zoo. Connecting people,
animals and the natural world to save wildlife.
Tail Country:
Home to 1,000 lakes. There's always a great reason to go fishing,
swimming, or just relax on the beach.
Museum of Minnesota:
Located in downtown St. Paul, the Science Museum of Minnesota is the
Upper Midwest's must-see, must-do museum.
Visit Saint
Not to brag, but we know a thing or two about Minnesota’s capital city.
Follow us for the latest in #mySaintPaul food, events and attractions.
>> Mississippi.
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