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Tiger Shark Encounters

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Travel Notes: Travel-Write: Caribbean Travel Articles: Tiger Shark Encounters

Travel Writers

In my global search for uncommon and often unique shark adventures, I went to Alaska to dive with pack-hunting Salmon Sharks.

Cutting Edge Adventures

We descended down to 2,000 feet, in a submarine, to encounter a monster deep-water species.

This led to three years of Great White shark encounters at Isla Guadalupe, Mexico.

Today, my crew are in the Bahamas taking thrill-seeking divers into the world of the secretive and equally infamous Tiger Shark.

These are the Marquis Species and we only take divers into the realm of the shark species that everyone knows about.

Diving With Sharks - � Shark Diver
Diving With Sharks - � Shark Diver

The Tiger Shark has a world-wide reputation similar to that of the Great White shark and the Bull shark; it’s considered a man-eater.

The Great White Shark

We have discovered with Great Whites that the reputation of man-eater comes from years of misunderstanding. The Great Whites are greatly misunderstood.Typically, we only hear about the shark encounters from the perspective of an attack survivor. Our shark diving operations, conducted with cages for the safety of our divers, allow them to understand the perspective of the shark and it's day to day environment, this is unique to say the least.

The Tiger Shark

Close Encounters with Sharks - � Shark Diver
Close Enounters - � Shark Diver

The Tiger shark is second only to the Great White shark in number of reported attacks on humans. Its large size and voraciousness make it a formidable predator in the ocean.

Tiger sharks can be curious and aggressive towards humans in the water and have developed a negative global reputation.

Thankfully, we are changing all that, one diver at a time.

Once you have seen these animals from the safety of a cage, you’ll understand as we do with Great Whites that sometimes reputations can be undeserved.

By Patric Douglas.

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