- The Online Guide to Travel Restaurant in Taipei - Waitress Amused I Was Heading For China

Nomadic Gatherings by Michel Guntern

Night Market, Taipei
Night Market, Taipei by Adli Wahid on Unsplash.

Nomadic Gatherings: Chapter Three: Little Sister - Restaurant in Taipei.

Travel Writers - Writing About Travel

In a restaurant in Taipei one of the five waitresses came forward with English explanations to the Chinese menu, and returned to talk a little after she had placed my order.

"Where are you from?" she asked.


"Why are you in Taiwan?"

I'd never really thought about it so I told her that I'd been to Japan and Korea and that the island was on the way to Hong Kong.

"Then you go back to England?"

England was just a memory. I told her that I hoped to travel on the trains in China.

"China!" She put her hand to her mouth and returned to her friends, laughing at the absurdity.

Nomadic Gatherings
Nomadic Gatherings - by Michel Guntern.

Nomadic Gatherings available on Kindle

NextChapter Four: Colonial Gateway.

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