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Travel Notes: General: Travel Notes Linking Policy

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E-mails with the subject 'link exchange' get deleted.

You may link to Travel Notes by all means and even submit your website for consideration, but e-mails telling us how much you like Travel Notes and would like to do a 'link exchange' to improve our page ranking, will just be ignored.

If you really like Travel Notes that much, you would know about our linking policy, where the relevant URL submission form is; and above all, use it.

How Not to Get Your Travel Website Listed on Travel Notes

It seems our website submission guidelines often get ignored, so here's how not to get listed on Travel Notes.

Search Engine Optimisation

If it looks like the text on your page is only meant for search engine robots to read, then we can only assume it's not suitable for real people to visit.

That means if your font is too small, light grey on white or contains too many dubious anchor text links then we won't be listing it.

Turn It Off

If background music or videos on auto start stalls the loading of your webpage, we won't encourage others to try and find the turn it off button.

Thumbs Down

We don't need your mailing list subscription form or widgets to invade the content before we've had the chance to see if our visitors might find it useful. Thank-you for letting us decide for them.

Homepage Footer Links

If you paid for a service you probably don't need to advertise it on your homepage.

Your website will need to be really exceptional if it's stating that it's 'Powered by anything', 'Designed by anyone' or promotes an Internet Marketing firm; no matter how small or unobtrusive the text.

If someone was employed to improve how you appear online, then shouldn't they advertise your web presence rather than you theirs?

When you pay for a premium listing or advertising on Travel Notes, we wouldn't expect you to link to us from your homepage as well; although we wouldn't say no.

Yes We Do Want to Leave The Webpage

If we get asked if we really want to leave the webpage, or every link clicked on opens a new window or tab, then we won't be coming back and won't recommend anyone else pays a visit to your website either.

Your Name

This is so simple we can't believe that it's not entered properly on the submission form; and is probably the easiest way to not even get your URL considered.

Linking to Other Travel Sites - Travel Notes Linking Policy

When we started Travel Notes, in 1997, it was a pleasure linking to other travel sites that expanded on our content.

However, with the explosion of the Internet it seems that every little 'room for rent' and independent 'tour guide' is trying to promote their 'business' without giving anything back in return.

There are no automated robots spidering links at Travel Notes, so reviewing websites is rather time consuming; especially as we have to trawl through a lot of sludge to get to the gems.

It therefore pays to choose our premium service, if you want to get your website reviewed faster and avoid a possible lengthy quarantine period.

When reviewing travel websites, we look at the links out and don't link to those with lists of links totally irrelevant to the website's content. So think about where you link to.

Affiliate sites and websites offering little travel content are ignored by us.

We do like to help promote those who add some worthwhile travel tips or offer discounts to Travel Notes members.

If this applies to you, then the Travel Notes lines are open.

But please use the correct submission form and fill it in properly.

Travel websites not wishing to link to Travel Notes are encouraged to make a small PayPal Donation for a swift review.

Suggested Donations

Non-commercial travel websites: $18.

Local tour operators and tour guides: $35.

Small hotel, guest house or holiday rental: $40.

Travel agents and booking companies: $55.

Fixed Rates For Corporate Customers and Internet Marketing

Premium Listing: $120
Enhanced with a thumbnail image of your website.

Premium listings may also include an e-Business card; listing all your major social media channels and a few deep links, at our discretion.

Order a Premium Listing and six months regional advertising for just $240.

Quarantine Period For New Travel Websites

Having spent far too long trawling through a backlog of website submissions and then having to manually remove dead links - after the travel domain names subsequently disappeared, changed hands or became sponsored link placeholders - we may impose a quarantine period on new travel domains.

This will apply to new travel website submissions using the free service that maybe didn't break any of our webmaster guidelines but failed to convince that they would be around for the long-haul.

A second browse of the website URL at a later date can often save the hassle of deleting the dead link in a year or two down the line.

If making a PayPal contribution please fill in the Description field.

Using the relevant form for your commercial enterprises helps us serve your interests better; by obtaining essential information related to your specific Accommodation, Tours, or Travel Services.

General travel link submissions are accepted from destination and travel and tourism websites: tourist offices, embassies, airlines, airports, railways, travel blogs and official travel websites.

There's also a special form for General Feedback.

Add a Business Listing - Add a Destination Guide - Add a Place to Stay.

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