The airport index
on Travel Notes helps you find airport websites around the world.
You can also find airport codes, where the airlines fly, destination information, how to get there
and all about ground transportation and airport facilities around the world.
| A-B | C-E | F-I | J-M | N-R | S-U | V-Z |
Vaasa, Finland (VAA)
Vadodara, India (BDQ)
Vadso, Norway (VDS)
Vail - Eagle County Regional, Colorado (EGE)
Valdez, Alaska (VDZ)
Valdivia - Pichoy, Chile (ZAL)
Valdosta Regional, Georgia (VLD)
Valencia, Spain (VLC)
Valencia, Venezuela (VLN)
Valladolid, Spain (VLL)
Valledupar, Colombia (VUP)
Valparaiso - Fort Walton Beach, Florida (VPS)
Vancouver International, British Columbia (YVR)
Vancouver Harbour Airport, British Columbia (CXH)
Varadero, Cuba (VRA)
Varanasi - Babatpur, India (VNS)
Varkaus, Finland (VRK)
Varna, Bulgaria (VAR)
Vasteras - Hasslo, Sweden (VST)
Vaxjo, Sweden (VXO)
Venice - Marco Polo, Italy (VCE)
Veracruz, Mexico (VER)
Vero Beach, Florida (VRB)
Verona, Italy (VRN)
Vestmannaeyjar, Iceland (VEY)
Victoria Airport, British Columbia (YYJ)
Victoria Inner Harbour, British Columbia (YWH)
Victoria, Texas (VCT)
Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe (VFA)
Vienna - Schwechat, Austria (VIE)
Vientiane - Wattay, Laos (VTE)
Villa Gesell, Argentina (VLG)
Villahermosa, Mexico (VSA)
Vilnius Airport, Lithuania (VNO)
Virgin Gorda, British Virgin Islands (VIJ)
Visalia, California (VIS)
Visby, Sweden (VBY)
Vishakhapatnam, India (VTZ)
Vitoria - Eureco Sales, Brazil (VIX)
Vitoria, Spain (VIT)
Vladivostok, Russia (VVO)
Volgograd, Russia (VOG)
Wabush, Newfoundland (YWK)
Waco - Madison Cooper, Texas (ACT)
Wagga-Wagga - Forest Hill, New South Wales (WGA)
Wainwright, Arkansas (AIN)
Walgett, New South Wales (WGE)
Walla Walla, Washington State (ALW)
Walvis Bay - Rooikop, Namibia (WVB)
Warsaw - Okecie, Poland (WAW)
Washington - Dulles International, DC (IAD)
Washington National Airport, DC (DCA)
Waskaganish, Quebec (YKQ)
Waterford, Ireland (WAT)
Waterloo, Iowa (ALO)
Watertown, New York (ART)
Watertown, South Dakota (ATY)
Watson Lake, Yukon Territory (YQH)
Wausau, Wisconsin (CWA)
Wellington International, New Zealand (WLG)
Wenatchee, Washington State (EAT)
West Palm Beach, Florida (PBI)
Westchester County, New York (HPN)
Westerland, Germany (GWT)
Westerly, Rhode Island (WST)
Westport, New Zealan (WSZ)
Wewak, Papua New Guinea (WWK)
Whangarei, New Zealan (WRE)
White River, Ontario (YWR)
Whitehorse Airport, Yukon Territory (YXY)
Whyalla, South Australia (WYA)
Wichita, Kansas (ICT)
Wichita Falls, Texas (SPS)
Wick, Scotland (WIC)
Wilkes Barre/Scranton , Pennsylvania (AVP)
Willemstad - Areopuerto Hato, Curacao
Williams Lake, British Columbia (YWL)
Williamsport, Pennsylvania (IPT)
Williston - Sloulin Field International, North
Dakota (ISN)
Wilmington, North Carolina (ILM)
Windhoek - Jg Strijdom, Namibia (WDH)
Windhoek - Eros, Namibia (ERS)
Windsor International, Ontario (YQG)
Winnipeg International, Manitoba (YWG)
Winston-Salem - Smith Reynolds, North Carolina
Winton, Queensland (WIN)
Wolf Point, Montana (OLF)
Woomera, South Australia (UMR)
Worcester, Massachusetts (ORH)
Worland, Wyoming (WRL)
Wrangell, Alaska (WRG)
Wroclaw - Strachowice, Poland (WRO)
Wuhan, China (WUH)
Xi'An - Xianyang, China (XIY)
Xiamen, China (XMN)
Yakima, Washington State (YKM)
Yakutsk, Russia (YKS)
Yamagata - Junmachi, Japan (GAJ)
Yangoon - Mingaladon, Myanmar (RGN)
Yaounde - Nsimalen, Cameroon (NSI)
Yap, Micronesia (YAP)
Yarmouth, Nova Scotia (YQI)
Yechon, South Korea (YEC)
Yellowknife, Northwest Territories (YZF)
Yerevan, Armenia (EVN)
Yogyakarta, Indonesia (JOG)
Yosu, South Korea (RSU)
Youngstown, Ohio (YNG)
Yuma International Airport, Arizona (YUM)
Zacatecas, Mexico (ZCL)
Zagreb, Croatia (ZAG)
Zahedan, Iran (ZAH)
Zakinthos, Greece (ZTH)
Zamboanga Airport, Philippines (ZAM)
Zanzibar - Kisauni, Tanzania (ZNZ)
Zaragoza, Spain (ZAZ)
Zhanjiang, China (ZHA)
Zhengzhou, China (CGO)
Zurich-Kloten, Switzerland (ZRH)
Airlines of the World.
Airport Codes - Sorted by Destination
| A-B | C-E | F-I | J-M | N-R | S-U | V-Z |
Three Letter IATA Airport Codes
A - B
- C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M
N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z

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